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    Why is the indus valley civilization also called the Harappan civilization?

    The following points may help you:

    a. The Indus Valley Civilization was one of the world's first great urban civilizations. 
    b. It developed in the vast river plains and adjacent regions now  in Pakistan and western India
    c. The Indus valley civilization is also known as 
      Harappan Civilization since it was the first site to be excavated and discovered.
    d. It was in Harrapan that archaeological evidences of that of urban settlements were first discovered.

    e. It 
      has been regarded as the cradle of civilization in the Indian subcontinent

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    One of the possible reasons could be that the buildings built around was known as Harappa
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    When archaelogists found the site of Harappa, they realized that it was on of the oldest cities in the Indian subcontinent. As it was the first city to be didcoverd, all other sites where similar buildings and other things were found were described as Hrappans.

    In the Indus valley, similar buildings like those in the city of Harrapa were found, the Indus Valley civilization is also called as the Harappan civilization.

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