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Linear Equations in Two Variables

Introduction to Linear Equations In Two Variables

Recalling Linear Equations in One Variable

We know that algebraic expressions are those that have a few numbers, letters and operators. For example, 2x, 3y + 4 and are all algebraic expressions and the letters x, y and z are the variables in the expressions. 

If an algebraic expression is used for equating two different values or expressions, then it becomes an equation. For example, 2x = 4, 3y + 4 = 2y and are all equations.

Now, consider the equation 2x = 4. It has only one variable term, i.e., 2x. The exponent of variable x is 1 and this is the highest exponent in the equation. We know that an equation having the highest exponent as 1 is known as a linear equation; so, 2x = 4 is a linear equation. Also, since the equation has only one variable x, it is a linear equation in one variable. Similarly, 3y + 4 = 2y and are also linear equations in one variable. 

There are also equations having more than one variable. In this lesson, we will learn about linear equations in two variables.

Introduction to Linear Equations in Two Variables

A linear equation comprising two different variables is called a linear equation in two variables. Let us consider the equation. This equation is used to compare the temperatures on the Celsius (C) and Fahrenheit (F) scales. 

In the equation, C and F are both variables; thus, it is an equation in two variables. Also, the degree of the equation is 1, so it is a linear equation in two variables. 

Other examples of linear equations in two variables: 3x − 4y = 4, and  

The general form of a linear equation in two variables is ax + by + c = 0. Here, x and y are variables while a, b and c are constants. 

Concept Builder

The highest exponent of a variable involved in an equation is the degree of that equation.

For example, in the equation 3y + 4 = 2y, the highest exponent of variable y is 1; so, the degree of the equation is 1, or we can say that it is a first-degree equation.

Did You Know?

40° is the only point at which the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales coincide.
So, −40°C = −40°F

Solved Examples



Identify the linear equations in two variables among the following equations.







i) Since the equation consists of only one variable x, it is not a linear equation in two variables. 

ii) The equation can be reduced to the general form of a linear equation in two variables, i.e., ax + by + c = 0.

The equation is a first-degree equation and consists of two variables t and D. Thus, it is a linear equation in two variables.

iii) The equation consists of two variables x and y, but its degree is 2. Hence, it is not a linear equation in two variables.

iv) The equation can be reduced to the general form of a linear equation in two variables, i.e., ax + by + c = 0.

34x = 6y

⇒ 34x − 6y

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