1.Give five example each of plants that produce cereals,vegetable, fruits, medicine and timber .

2.Name the group in which you would divided useful plants, give two example of it!

2. Plants can be divided into two categories according to their use:
i. Medicinal plants: This includes plant that have medicinal value. e.g. neem.
ii. Edible plants: This include plants which serves as food for us. e.g mango plant, date plant etc.

For Q.1, you can refer to your friend's answer @Ishaat Pandit.

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1.cereals- wheat, rice, maize
   vegetables - tomato, potatoes
   fruits - apple, mango, banana
   medicine - turmeric, mint, tulsi, lemen
 Timber - mango tree, neem trees, sesam, teak wood
2. almost all plants are useful as they do photosynthesis - provide food and oxygen to all other living organisms
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1.  Cereals -Wheat, Rice, Maize
Vegetables -Tomato, Potato, Cucumber
Fruits -Apple, Banana, Pineapple, Mango
Medicine -Turmeric, Neem, Tulsi, Mint, Eucalyptus
​Timber -Mango tree, Neem trees, Sesame,Teak wood

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2. All the plants are useful for us like: Neem is used as medicine, Mangoes are used as fruits, Rice is also useful for us
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