3 differences between cockroach and earthworm


  • Cockroach belong to phylum arthropoda.
  • Cockroaches are diecious (male or female). It means different organism have different sex.
  • Breathing is through spiracles.
  • They have ventral nerve cord for controlling their body.
  • Locomotion  is by jointed legs.



  • Earthworm belong to phylum annelid.
  • Earthworms are hermaphrodites (monoecious). It means in one organism both the sexes are present
  • Breathing is through moist skin.
  • They have central nerve cord for controlling their body.
  • Locomotion  is by circular and longitudinal muscles with setae covering the body. 



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earthworms are hermaphrodites (monoecious)

cockroaches are diecious (male or female)

worms have a central nerve cord

cockroaches have a ventral nerve cord

digestive tract is straight and simple

digestive tract  is curved and more developed

Breathe through skin

Breathe through trachea

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