4.By selling a bicycle for Rs 1104, Nisha loses 8 %. At what price should she sell it to make a profit of 10 %.

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Let us assume that the Cost Price of the bicycle be Rs. X.

As we know that the formula for Loss% is

Loss% = (Cost Price - Selling Price / Cost Price) * 100


8 = (X - 1104 / X) * 100

8 = 100X - 110400 / X

8X = 100X - 110400

8X - 100X = - 110400

- 92X = - 110400

X = - 110400 / - 92 = Rs. 1200.

So the Cost Price of the Bicycle = Rs. 1200.

We have to find out the Selling Price of the bicycle so that Nisha makes a profit of 10%, so let us assume that the Selling Price be Rs. Y.

As we know that the formula for Profit% is

Profit% = (Selling Price - Cost Price) / Cost Price * 100

10 = (Y - 1200 / 1200) * 100

10 = 100Y - 120000 / 1200

12000 = 100Y - 120000

- 100Y = - 120000 - 1200

- 100Y = - 10800

Y = - 108000 / - 100 = Rs. 1080.= Selling Price of the bicycle.

Ans: Rs. 1080.

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