1. a sheet of paper measures 30cm * 20 cm...a strip of 4 cm wide is cut from it all around...find the area of the remaning sheet and also the area of the strip cutout






Let ABCD denotes the rectangular sheet.

Length of sheet = 30 cm

Breadth of sheet = 20 cm

∴ Area of sheet = Length × Breadth

                         = (30 × 20) cm2

                         = 600 cm2

4 cm wide strip is cut from rectangular sheet all around, then we obtain a rectangular sheet PQRS, having

Length = (30 – (4 + 4)) cm = 22 cm

Breadth = (20 – (4 + 4)) cm = 12 cm

∴ Area of remaining sheet PQRS = (22 × 12) cm2  = 264 cm2

∴ Area of strip cutout = Area of sheet ABCD – Area of sheet PQRS

                                   = (600 – 264) cm2

                                   = 336 cm2

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length of the remaining paper sheet=30-4=26

breadthof the remaining...=20-4=16

so,area of remaining sheet =26*16=416cm2

hence,area of cut out portion =(30*20)-(16*26)=184cm2

  • -8

length =30-4=26

breadth =20-4=16

so,area of remaining sheet =26*16=416cm2

hence,area of cut out part =(30*20)-(16*26)=184cm2

so area of remaining sheet = 416cm2

and area of cutout part = 184cm2


hope it helps

  • -11
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