adbhut ras par kavita with rhymes

this is an example of adbhut ras may this help you
सेना नायक राणा के भी
रण देख देखकर चाह भरे ।
मेवाड़ सिपाही लड़ते थे
दूने तिगुने उत्साह भरे ।।

क्षण मार दिया कर कोड़े से
रण किया उतर कर घोड़े से ।
राणा रणकौशल दिखा दिया
चढ़ गया उतर कर घोड़े से ।।

क्षण उछल गया अरि घोड़े पर
क्षण लड़ा सो गया घोड़े पर ।
वैरी दल से लड़ते लड़ते
क्षण खड़ा हो गया घोड़े पर ।।
  • 24
Adbhut Ra's par kavita
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Ras ke isthayi bhav aur sachari bhav

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Karke kise kehte hai
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Herriot treats Tricki. The doctor did not gave Tricki anything to eat but made him drink lot of water and do exercises. The doctor made Tricki mingle with other dogs, he used to run around and play with them. After two days, sign of recovery were seen in Tricki and he recovered soon.20-Jul-2020 FL
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Herriot treats Tricki. The doctor did not gave Tricki anything to eat but made him drink lot of water and do exercises. The doctor made Tricki mingle with other dogs, he used to run around and play with them. After two days, sign of recovery were seen in Tricki and he recovered soon.20-Jul-2020 cytology
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