define key,couplet and a lead.

Dear Student,

Taxonomic keys are defined as characteristics or information in written form available in the form of cards that helps a person to identify an unknown species of living organism. The taxonomic key provides a certain structure on the basis of which the user can sort out the taxonomic position of the unknown species based upon the observations recorded.

Indented key provides number of choices between two or more contrasting characters.

For example,

  • Able to disappear
  • Wings absent
  • Body covered by furs
  • Wings present
  • Unable to disappear
  • Body covered by feathers

In Bracketed key the two or more contrasting characters always remain in pairs.

For example (Couplets),

  • Able to disappear
  • Unable to disappear
  • Wings present
  • Wings absent
A dichotomous key is constructed by giving two choices at each branching point. Each choice is called a lead (eg Wings) and the set of leads at  a given point is called a couplet (eg Present or Absent).  

Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic.

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A scheme for identification of plants and animals is known as key.Taxonomic keys are base on the contrasting characters (similarities and dissimilarities) these contrasting characters are commonly called as couplet,where as each contrasting character is termed as lead.
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