difference between poultry farming and cattle farming

Poultry farming

Cattle farming

Poultry farming is the practice of raising poultry, such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese, as a subcategory of animal husbandry, for the purpose of farming meat or eggs for food.


Cattle farming is the raising and management of the livestock for meat (beef and veal), as dairy animals for milk and other dairy products, and as draft animals (oxen / bullocks) for pulling carts, plows.

Less expenditure

more expenditure


yield is very high

yield is comparitively low


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  • Dairy Farm Management
    • Milk yield is dependent upon the quality of breed selected. Quality encompasses yielding potential and disease resistance.
    • Care of cattle − Proper accommodation, adequate water, feeding in a scientific manner (quality of fodder), hygiene, visits by a veterinary doctor
    • All these processes nowadays have become mechanised and proper record keeping is followed.
  • Poultry Farm Management
    • Poultry includes meat from birds such as chicken, ducks, and turkey.
    • The main emphasis in poultry farming is selection of a disease-free and healthy breed.
    • Safe farm conditions, proper feed, water, and hygiene are also necessary
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Poultry farming

Cattle farming

Less expenditure

more expenditure

yield is very high

yield is low

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Animal Husbandry is the scientific management of animal livestock.The categories of animal husbandry are poltry and cattle farming.

  • Cattle farming is done to obtain milk and draught animals for labour for agricultural work,tilling and carting.
  • The indian breed has two kinds -  Bos Indicus,  the cow and Bos Bubalis,the buffaloes.
  • The milk producing females are called milching animals or dairy animals.
  • The animals used for farm labour are called Draught animals.
  • To increas the milk production the lactation period can be increased.Lactation period is the period of milk production after the birth of a calf.
  • The foreign breed Jersey,Brown Swiss that have long lactation period is cross-bred with the indian breed Red Sindhi,Sahiwal have good resistence to diseases to have both the desired qualities.
  • The cattle need good food and shelter requirements for producing clean milk.
  • The cattle should be sheltered under well- ventilated roofs and the floor should be sloped for cleaning and to facilitate a dry place.
  • The food requirements of cattle are roughage which contains large amounts of fibres and concentrates which contains few amounts of fibres and more of protein and other nutrients.
  • The ration of cattle should be enriched with all nutrients in equal proportionate amounts.
  • Cattle suffer from many diseases.
  • The parasites of cattle may be internal and external.
  • External parasites live on skin and cause skin diseases.The internal paraistes like worms affect the stomach and intestine,while flukes damage the liver.
  • Vaccinations  are given to farm animals against bacterial and viral disease.


  • Poultry farming is undertaken to raise the production of eggs and chicken meat.
  • Therefore improved poultry is farmed to produce layers of eg and broilers for meat.
  • The cross breeding is done between Indian breed Aseel and the Foreign breed Leghorn for the following desired charachteristics:
  1. number and quality of chicks.
  2. dwarf broiler parent for chick production
  3. low maintainence requirements
  4. tolerance to high temperature
  5. the reduction in the size of the egg-laying bird with the ability to utilise  fibrous cheaper diet formulated using agricultural by-products.
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