Evaluate the important features of 'proto industrialisation phase' in Europe.


The period of industrialization before the first factories came up in Europe is termed as proto-industrialization. This period was marked by merchants from towns getting products made in villages.

Reasons for focus of merchants on villages: There were powerful trade and craft guilds in urban areas. These associations controlled competition and prices and prevented entry of a new player in the market. Because of them, it was difficult for new merchants to set business in towns.

Features of proto-industrialization in Britain:
  • The merchants supplied money to the peasants in the countryside. They motivated them to produce products for an international market.
  • Land was becoming scarce in villages. Small plots of land were not enough to meet the need of a growing population. Peasants were looking for some additional sources of income.

The proto-industrial system was a network of commercial exchanges. It was controlled by merchants. Goods were produced by peasants who worked within their family farms and not in factories. The finished product passed through several stages and reached the markets of London. From London, the products were supplied to the international market.

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Explain the main features of Proto ? Industrialization?
Ans.:- Main features of Proto Industrialization-
1. Production was not based on factories.
2. Large scale home based production for international market.
3. Merchants move to country side and supplied money for artisans to
produced for international market.
4. It provided alternative source of income.
5. Income from pro-industrial production supplemented their shrinking
income from.
6. Helped in fuller use of their family labour resources.
7. Close relationship.
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Main features of Proto Industrialization- 1. Production was not based on factories. 2. Large scale home based production for international market. 3. Merchants move to country side and supplied money for artisans to produced for international market. 4. It provided alternative source of income. 5. Income from pro-industrial production supplemented their shrinking income from. 6. Helped in fuller use of their family labour resources. 7. Close relationship.
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