Experts, please give some instances that suggest that nothing goes waste in a forest.

Dear Student, These are some ways in which forest benefits humans:- Mankind depends on forest either directly or indirectly for many things. Besides providing us with basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter, forests touch our lives in several other ways. Most of the timber based industries rely on trees for the production of paper, plywood, pulp and cardboard. Several trees in the forest are used to produce ayurvedic medicines, essential oils, spices, nuts and oil. Resins, bamboo and latex which serve as raw materials to produce several things such as varnish, rubber, furniture, paper. Forests help in regulating the climate of a place and also help in increasing the rainfall by raising the water vapour content of the atmosphere. Forests help in preventing floods and soil erosion Few trees in the forest act as windbreakers against storms and strong tides. These are some ways where microorganisms help forest:- The animals in forests are of various types. These could be herbivores, carnivores, micro-organisms, etc. These play an important role in maintaining the food chains. (i) Micro-organisms convert the dead plants and animals to humus. This humus helps in returning the nutrients back to the soil. These are absorbed by plants. (ii) The animals also help in dispersing the seeds of certain plants. (iii) The decaying animal dung provides nutrients to various types of seedlings to grow. All these activities of animals dwelling in the forest help it to grow and regenerate. Thus, in these ways nothing goes in vain, everything is used up by one or other member living in the forest. In other words, fruits, leaves, stems etc are used by animals as a part of their diet, while some live in stems, roots etc while some used them for their defense, and when they die or leave etc fall as litter they are consumed or eaten or broken down by other organism. Thus how the cycle goes on. Regards

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