Explain the mechanism of breathing in humans?

Breathing is the process of taking in oxygen-rich air and giving out carbon dioxide-rich air.

Breathing in is 'inhalation' and breathing out is 'exhalation'.

Inhalation involves bringing in air from outside the body into the lungs. When we breathe in, the size of our chest increases. This happens because when air enters, the lungs expand and the ribs move outwards. Simultaneously, the diaphragm contracts and becomes flat. Thus, the size of our chest increases.

Exhalation involves removal of CO 2 from the body. When we breathe out, the size of our chest decreases. This happens because when air moves out of our lungs, the lungs contract,the ribs move back, and the diaphragm curves upwards into the chest decreasing the size of the chest.


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respiration is the process in which air goes inside us through nose and bronchi to the air sacks .the air sacks have blood vessels.through which oxygen mixes with the haemoglobin and glucose ............haemoblogin becomes oxy haemoglobin.and glucose when mixes with oxygen breakes down food and forms CO2 which comes out through the nose.actually this is respiration .breathing is the mechanical process in which air goes inside and comes out of the nose.

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The process of breathing is generally divided into two groups that is inspiration and expiration.In inspiration air moves into the lungs .In expiration air is forced out of the lungs.Lungs themselves have no muscle tissuetheire movement is controlled by the muscles aroundthe rib-cage and diaphragm.During inspiration the muscle around the rib-cage contract lifting the ribs upwards and outwards andlowering the domeof the diaphragm until it forms a nearly flat sheet.As a result of all thesechanges the chest cavity expands.Because thelungs are attacted to thechest cavity they also expands .Due to the expansion of the lungs the airpressure inside the the lungs falls below the pressure of the air outside the body.This creates a partial vacuum as aresult the air outside the body ruses into the lungs.During expiration the musles lifting the ribs and lower the diaphragm relax .As a result the rib-cage andthe diaphragm return to its original position.so,the chest cavitycontract and the air present in the lungs is pushed out.with each contraction of the lungs the air air present inside it is pused out.

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