Explain the significance of the following

1 hair like, structures on epidermal cell

2 Epidermis has a thick waxy coating of cutin in dedert plants

3 Small pores in epidermis of leaf

4numerous layers of epidermis in cactus

5 presence of a chemical suberin in cork cells.

  • The root-hairs help to increase surface area for absorption of water and dissolved ions from the soil.


  • The waxy cuticle prevents the loss of moisture from the leaves and stems.


  • A stoma is an opening (pore) in the epidermis helps for gaseous exchange and transpiration.


  • Cacti with a multiple epidermis (two or more cell layers), reduce the temperature of the stem and provides mechanical support.  But, multiple epidermises are uncommon.


  • The dead cork cells are lined with suberin, a fatty substance that makes them highly impermeable to gases and water.

  • 36

2 to reduce loss of water by transpiration

  • -4
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