​Karthik an engineering student is designing a model which is shaped  like a cylinder with two equal cones attached at it's two ends. The diameter of the model is 3.5cm and it's length is 18cm. If each cone has a height of 4cm, find the volume of the model that Karthik made.
Please don't provide a link to a similar question, as I know the method, and I just wanted to check my answer.
Thank You.

Dear Student,

Please find below the solution to the asked query:

We have our diagram as :

Given  : Height of cylindrical part  =  10 cm And Height of conical part  =  4 cm 
Radius of base  =  3.5 cm 

Volume of model   =  Volume of cylindrical part + 2 ( Volume of Conical part )

We know :
Volume of Cylinder  = π r2h and Volume of Cone  = π r2 h3
Volume of model  = 227 × 3.5 × 3.5 × 10 +  2 227 × 3.5 × 3.5 × 43  Volume of model  = 222 × 3.5 ×10 +  2 11 × 3.5 × 43  Volume of model  =11 × 3.5 × 10 +  2 1543  Volume of model  =385 + 3083 Volume of model  =385 +  102.666Volume of model   =487.666  487.67  cm3                                                            ( Ans )

Hope this information will clear your doubts about Surface Areas and Volumes.

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  • -1
what is ur answer?
  • 1
correct answer is 120 approx.
  • 1
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