Mn 3+  and Co 3+  ions are the strongest oxidising agents in aqueous solution.


Dear Student,

Outer electronic configuration of Mn is 3d5 4s2.

Outer electronic configuration of Mn3+ is 3d4 4s0.

Now Mn3+ is a strong oxidizing agent. A good oxidizing agent reduces itself, i.e. gains electrons from others. Its tends to gain one more electron to acquire stable electronic configuration. If it gains one electron, its configuration will be 3d5, which is stable. This is the reason, it acts as a good reducing agent.

Outer electronic configuration of CO is 3d7 4s2.

Outer electronic configuration of CO3+ is 3d6 4s0.

Now Co in CO3+ state is not stable in aqueous solution. But Co is stable in CO2+ state in water. This is the reason it likes to go from Co(III) to Co(II) state by gaining electrons or in other words, it gets reduced and acts as  good oxidizing agent.

Hope you got the answer!

  • -2

Both these ions form strong bonds with the water molecules and form bridge ligands with the water molecule.  So they act as a strongest oxidising agents in aqueous solution

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bt why Co+2 is stable in aq. solution n Co+3 is not...??

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