Note: All answers are diffirent from each other and plese don't write that 2 are same. And also give answer fast.


  • Extint species
  • endangered species
  • threatened species
  • venurable species
  • rare species
  • endemic species
  • national park
  • biological reserve
  • wildlife sanctuary

Due to paucity of time, we would not be able to answer all your questions. Kindly try finding answers to rest of them yourself.

Endangered species are the ones which are in danger of getting extinct. Considerably, very less number of their species are currently left.

Threatened species are the ones which are in danger of being threatened as their number is declining day by day due to some known and unknown reasons. 


National Park: 
The protected areas which have one or more ecosystems including natural landscapes and a great
 natural beauty. The plants, animal species, geomorphological sites and habitants of the region are protected by the government. Also, these areas are used to promote scientific research and education.


Wildlife sanctuary:

Wildlife sanctuaries are the places where the wild animals are protected and provided with all of the required facilities to live comfortably and safely till they die naturally.


You will read more about them in higher classes.

  • 1

extinct species are those which are not present on earth or they are extinct.

endangered species are those which species can be extinct in future, if causitive factors continue to operate

threatenedspecies ar those speciesspecies of plants and animals whose members aare greatly reduced in number or near extiction.

the spelling of vulnerable is wrong

vulnerable species are those species which are likely to move to endangered species in the future , if causitive factors continue to operate.

Rare species are those species that exist in small numbers, are localised only in certain geographical areas and may enter into vulnerable species.

endemic species are those species of plants and animals are found exclusively in a particular area, and do not ocuur naturally anywhere else.

national park is a protected land area preserved in natural conditions to provide natural habitat to wildlife.

the spelling of biosphere resevre is wrong.

biosphere reserves is a specified land area in which multiple use of land is permitted for preserving biodervisty.

wildlife sacctuary is a protected land area reserved for the conservation of wildanimals, birds and plants . there are restriction on poachers, herdsman to enter the wildlife sanctuaries..

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