Please answer 3;4;5 and 6. Chemical effects of electric current

Solution :

The answers of question number 3 and 5 are provided below.

When we supply current through the cell, chemical reaction takes place, so chemical energy of cell is converted into electrical energy. If a large amount of current is drawn from wire for a long time only then wire get heated.
Hence, Assertion is false but Reason is true (option d). 

Tin cans are used for storing food are made of electroplating tin into iron. Tin is less reactive than iron thus food does not come into contact with iron and is protected from getting spoilt. 
Chromium metal has shiny appearance, it is used for electroplating so that it does not corrode and resist scratches over the objects. 
Hence, both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion (option b). 

Kindly post the different questions in the different thread. 

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