Respiration is considered to be an example of combustion. Why?

 respiration is the process of turning inhaled oxygen  exhale carbon dioxide and creating energy this is very similar reaction to that of the combustion so respiration is considered to be an example of cumbustion?

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 respiration is the process of turning inhaled oxygen exhale carbon dioxide and creating energy this is very similar reaction to that of the combustion so respiration is considered to be an example of combustion?

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Respiration is the process of turning inhaled oxygen into exhale carbon dioxide and creating energy. This is a very similar reaction to that of combustion. When a hydrocarbon burns, such a natural gas or methane (CH4), it combines with oxygen, producing CO2 and water. The definition of combustion is a reaction in which something is oxidized in an exothermic reaction, and that is exactly what happens in respiration.

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respiration is considered as combustion because during respiration the energy burns in our body

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