Role of science and technology in transportation

For thousands of years, every form of transportation has used natural energy, whether provided by humans, animals, or the wind. Today, we rely on fossil fuels to power our cars, ships, trains, and planes. Each new form of transportation has allowed us to explore and expand our world. Today we realize the history of various forms of transportation, fossil fuels and the development of alternative fuels, how transportation has changed geography and the environment, how technology can improve safety, and the future of transportation, from supersonic submarines to vacuum tube trains.

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Hydrogen cars, expensive oil, fuel efficiency standards, and inflation frighten those interested in maintaining and improving U.S. highways. All of these forces could erode the real value of fuel taxes that now are the largest single source of funding for highway programs and an important source of transit funding as well. Because of this worry, the Transportation Research Board convened a committee to carefully examine the future of the fuel tax

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