Show that A(-3,-1), B(-4,-1), C(3,3) andD (4,3) are the vertices of a rhombus.(R.S Aggarwal pg no. 668 Q no 13)


Let A(-3, -1), B(-4, -1), C(3, 3) and D (4, 3) be the vertices of rhombus ABCD.

We know that, diagonals of rhombus bisect each other.

Coordinate of mid point of diagonal BD = Coordinate of mid point of diagonal AC

Coordinate of mid point of diagonal BD = [(-4+4)/2, (-1 + 3)/2] = (0, 1)

Coordinate of mid point of diagonal AC = [(-3 + 3)/2, (-1 + 3)/2] = (0, 1)

Since the coordinates are equal, therefore A(-3, -1), B(-4, -1), C(3, 3) and D (4, 3) are the vertices of rhombus.

  • -3
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