Sir or mam please tell answer of these questions

Dear student,
The solutions to your question 1-6 have been provided below: 

1. The leucoplasts are colourless plastids present in the plant cell. The leucoplasts store starch and other storage products.  Following are the examples of leucoplasts:
  • Amyloplasts store carbohydrates (starch).
  • Elaioplasts store oils and fats.
  • Aleuroplasts store proteins.
2. The Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER) of liver cells detoxifies drugs and poisons present in the body.  The liver cells detoxify harmful substances by a complex series of chemical reactions. SER releases some enzymes that make the poisons and drugs soluble to the cytosol and are easily excreted out.

3. RER appears rough because it has ribosomes attached to its surface. 

4. Viruses are supposed to be non-living because they lack cellular machinery of their own. They can only reproduce inside the living cells of the host. Outside these cells, they are dead.

5. Nucleoid is the irregularly shaped region that contains nuclear material (circular chromosome). It is observed in the prokaryotes.

6. Raisins placed in water are an example of osmosis. Osmosis is the movement of water from a region of higher concentration to a lower concentration through a semi-permeable membrane. When raisins are placed in water the concentration of water outside is more and hence water will move into the raisins causing them to swell.

Please post rest of the questions in a separate thread to get rapid assistance from our experts.

Hope this clears your doubt.

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