The grandmother was 'an expanse of pure white serenity, breathing peace and contentment.' Elucidate this statement.

because she is said to wearing a white saree and with grey hair shes compared with the white mountains or hills.And the grandmother is a pious person which gives her a pure look.and this why shes said to a expance of white serenity


  • 34
 in a story to describe a lady dressed in spotless white saree and extremely calm and peaceful.
  • -18
Here the authors tells us about here purity. He compares her with the winter landscape in the mountains as a pure kind heart ,moving in the house as spotless white.It refers to the calm, peaceful and serene character and conduct of the author’s grandmother. She is compared to the peaceful winter landscape in the mountains.
  • -1
Here the authors tells us about here purity. He compares her with the winter landscape in the mountains as a pure kind heart ,moving in the house as spotless white.It refers to the calm, peaceful and serene character and conduct of the author’s grandmother. She is compared to the peaceful winter landscape in the mountains. :-)
  • 172
She wore white clothes, which made her look as if she were covered with spotless snow. Her inaudible charts were calming for the writer. He was pleased to look at her as she gave him a feeling of contentment. He felt happy and peaceful with her. 

The same happens when one sees the winter landscape. Covered with white snowand gleaming, it exhumes a feeling of serenity and calmness. Nature does that to us.  He also felt that she had grown old those days, she seemed pale. Hence, the analogy with winter, which is considered to be a lifeless and dull season.
  • 51
The grandmother always wore spotless white clothes. Her locks of hair also looked silver white. Her spotless white dress and silver white hair made her look like snowy mountains in winter. Actually, she appeared to be an expanse of spotless whiteness. She had divine beauty. She presented a picture of peace and contentment.
  • 25
'' An expanse of pure white serenity" is a simile which symbolise pureness of character and tranquillity/calmness of mind. By the use of this simile the writer symbolise the the purity in the character of his grandmother and the the calmness of mind the grandmother have.  The Grandmother was also compared to "winter landscapes in the mountains" -  as in winter the mountains get covered with spotless white colour of snow , similarly the grandmother was also a soul without any spot inside.. another reason for comparing the Grandmother with winters landscape of mountains is that winter is a symbol for calmness which again symbolise the calmness of mind of the grandmother.
                                                  Hope it helps... work hard
  • 53
The author's grandmother was a very old woman. She used to hobble about the house in a spotless white dress with one hand resting on her waist and the other telling the beadsof her rosary. And her silver locks were scattered untidily over her pale face. She was like the winter landscape in the mountains, a calm and cheerful woman symbolising tranquillity in her mind.
  • 6
Here the narrator is trying to describe the beauty of her grandmother by comparing her with winter landscape in the mountains.His grandmother was a calm, peaceful and beautiful like nature or a landscape.
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Say the answer
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Thanx for ur answer
  • -9
Firstly , the grandmother has been compared to a winter landscape. This is because she was always dressed in white attires i.e., she always draped a white saree. Moreover , she had white silverly locks and had a light pale- puckered face that were full of criss-crossing lines of ageing and thus , she was an expanse of white serenity. She always appeared divine and pious. Since winter is the last season of the year , in the same way , the grandmother was also facing the last phase of life i.e., Old age. She had found many ways of recreation and was breathing pace and contentment.
  • 5
  • -5
Kaiyum 's ans is gr8 :D
  • 0
Here ur is

  • -7
Here the authors tells us about her purity. He compares her with the winter landscape in the mountains as a pure kind heart ,moving in the house as spotless white.It refers to the calm, peaceful and serene character and conduct of the author?s grandmother. She is compared to the peaceful winter landscape in the mountains.
  • 1
Which ch are you taliking ?
  • -2
the narrator describes her as being pure white serenity, breathing peace and contentment asbthe grandmother was a calm, gentle soul with a reassuring face who always wore a white saari, with her silver locks covering her face.
  • 2
Give a pen picture of the narrator's grandmother as witnessed by him when he was a child
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