the mass of nucleus in its ground state is always less than the total mass of it's constituents-neutrons and protons.Explain

this is due to nuclear charge which binds the neutrons and protons..... here the mass is changed into binding energy and hence the total mass of protons and neutrons is more than the actual mass of the nucleus

  • 33
When nucleons approach each other to form a nucleus they strongly attract each other. Their potential energy decreases and becomes negative. It is this potential energy which holds the nucleons together in the nucleus. The decrease in potential energy results in the decrease in the mass of the nucleons inside the nucleus
  • 7
Mass defect occurs in nucleus which converts into energy as per Einsteins mass energy relation E=mc2 and produces binding energy .This energy binds nucleons together due to nuclear forces in spite of repulsive coulombian forces.
  • 1
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