The number of atoms in 100g of FCC crystal with density = 10g/cm3 and cell edge equal to 200 pm is equal to _____?

d = Z x M/a3 x NA
 where, a is edge of unit cell 
 NA = Avogadro number (6.022 × 1023
 M = Molar mass 
 Z = number of atoms per unit cell 
 For fcc, Z = 4 
From the given data we can calculate the Molar mass of given substance as:
M = d x a3 x NA /z
​Number of atoms = givan mass / molar mass(M) x NA
Putting the vaue of M in above equation we get
Number of moles = given mass x z x NA / d x a3 x NA
Number of atoms = given mass x z​ / d x a3
​putting the values we get:
Number of atoms = 100 g x  4 / ​10 gcm-3  x (200 x 10-10 cm)3  = ​400 / 80 x 10-24 = 5 x 1024 atoms


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