'The outcome of politics of social division depends upon how the political leaders raise the demands of any community.' Explain.

The following points may help you:

a. Social Diversity  of any kind be it caste, religion, sex, region, culture are characteristic features of every society. 
b. Their outcome is largely dependent how they are expressed in politics and how diverse demands are raised by political leadership.
c.  It depends  how the government responds to conflicting claims of the society.It implies the ability of the government to handle social differences by means power sharing among different groups.
d. We may give example of Sri Lanka, where the political leadership did not provide for power sharing arrangements among the Sinhalas and the Tamils, pursued the policy of majoritarianism leading to the rise of militant group LTTE and civil strife.
e. On the other hand,  Belgium, India have provided for power sharing arrangement among diverse community members.
f. We may give example of Community government in Belgium.
g. We may also give example  from India, of policy of reservation of seats in jobs and educational institutions for the SC's and ST's, so as to protect minorities from the possible domination of majorities, of . Linguistic reorganisation of the states to represent their interests, for example Telugu speaking state of Andhra Pradesh, then Maharashtra, Gujarat etc. India has also adopted federalism to give representation and autonomy to provinces.
h. Government has to accommodate diversity, has to resolve conflicting interests by means of power sharing, by establishing a democratic structure this is the only to accommodate, to respect and to recognise diversity.  
i. The attitude of the government in responding to diverse claims , depends on a whole lot of socio, political and economic factors, in which it may try to strike out the balance between two warring groups. 
j. Government's decision to create a state of Telengana can be seen in this context, which was based on a whole lot of political considerations.
k Power sharing is the only way to fight and respect social diversity which is an indelible part of every society.
l. Effectively dealing with social divisions to ensure their accommodation is the challenge of Democracy. For example Government's Reservation policy sought to appease SC's and ST's which is resented by the upper castes. The society has always been divided between pro and anti reservation policy and is an on going debate. 
m. Effectively dealing with such a situation and due accommodation of diverse interests is a challenge.
n. If government tries to suppress all the demands it would rather lead to strife and turmoil. As we have seen in Sri Lanka. Even if political leaders try to pit one group against another it will lead to conflict. We may give example of communal clashes in India between Hindus and Muslims.


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See, political leaders can choose to raise demands that favour only one particular community, and they can also raise demands that are favourable to all citizens of the country. for Example, in sri lanka, the leaders raised the demand of sinhala Only language, and that was centered towards to advantages of only one community, which was the sinhalese. but In Belgium, political leaders raised demands for peace, and equality to all communities. Hope i helped! :)

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