"The real possibilities of the situation began to dawn on the household." Explain what the author meant by this line, from the lesson 'A triumph of surgery' ( supplementary reader- footprints without feet). 

Plssss answer fast, I hv exam tomorrow!!

Dear Student, 

The beloved dog of Mrs. Pumphrey, Tricki, was staying with Dr. Herriot. The doctor was trying to make Tricki healthy again. One day while conversing with Mrs. Pumphrey, Dr. Heriott mentioned to Mrs. Pumphrey that Tricki's health improving rapidly. Therefore, Mrs. Pumphrey started sending eggs for building the strength of Tricki. Later, she also sent wine for Tricki. Initially, the doctor thought that these items for sent as a gift for the doctor. However, it soon became clear to the doctor that Mrs. Pumphrey has still not learned anything from her mistakes of overfeeding Tricki and the eggs and wine were meant for Tricki. 


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