There are 1089 students in a school. One ninth of them wear exactly one glove. Half of the others wear both gloves and the rest do not wear gloves. How many gloves are being used by the students???

Total number of students = 1089Number of students who wear one glove = 19 of 1089 = 121Number of students left = 1089 - 121 = 968Number of student who wear both gloves = 12×968 = 484Total number of gloves used = 484 ×2 + 121 ×1 = 1089

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total no of students =1089
fraction of them wearing 1 glove =1/9 of 1089 =1/9 *1089 =121 wear 1 glove (no of gloves =121)
no of students left =1089 -121 =968 
half of them wear both gloves =968/2 =481 wear both gloves (no of gloves =481*2 =  692)
no of gloves used =121+692 =813

thank you and hope the answer is right .
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