Two difference between metal non metal ???

There are many differences between metals and non metals. Following two explain the differences between their chemical reactivities

1) Metals react with oxygen to produce metal oxides which are basic in nature while non metal react with oxygen to produce their oxides which are acidic in nature. The acidic and basic nature can be tested with the help of litmus paper.

Example Mg will react with oxygen to form MgO which is basic nature

  2Mg + O2 -----> 2MgO

 Sulphur will react with oxygen to form sulphur dioxide which is acidic in nature

  S + O2 (g) -----> SO2 (g)

2) Metals react with acids to form Hydrogen gas. On the other hand non metals don not react with acids


Zn(s) + H2SO4 (aq) -----> ZnSO4(aq) + H2(g)

S(s) + H2SO4 (aq) -------> no reaction

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  • Usually have 1-3 electrons in their outer shell.
  • Lose their valence electrons easily.
  • Form oxides that are basic.
  • Are good reducing agents.
  • Have lower electronegativities.


  • Usually have 4-8 electrons in their outer shell.
  • Gain or share valence electrons easily.
  • Form oxides that are acidic.
  • Are good oxidizing agents.
  • Have higher electronegativities.


  • Good electrical conductors and heat conductors.
  • Malleable - can be beaten into thin sheets.
  • Ductile - can be stretched into wire.
  • Possess metallic luster.
  • Opaque as thin sheet.
  • Solid at room temperature (except Hg).


  • Poor conductors of heat and electricity.
  • Brittle - if a solid.
  • Nonductile.
  • Do not possess metallic luster.
  • Transparent as a thin sheet.
  • Solids, liquids or gases at room temperature.

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Why don't u agree with my answer

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The two differences between metals and non-metals are as follow :-


i) They are melleable i.e. they can be beaten into thin sheets.

ii) They react with acids to realease hydrogen gas and to form salts.


i) They are not melleable i.e. when they are hammered, they generally break down.

ii) Non-metals generally do not react with acids.

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Metals are very hard and strong.

Solid non-metals are soft and can be easily broken.

Metals have a shiny lustre.

Non-metals are not shiny and have a dull appearance.

Metals are sonorous.

Non-metals are not sonorous.

Metals are malleable and ductile.

Non-metals are neither malleable nor ductile.

Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity.

Non-metals are poor conductors of heat and electricity.


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