Dear Student
​​​​An interior angle is an angle inside a shape, while an exterior angle is an angle made by the side of a shape and a line drawn out from an adjacent side. The sum of the interior angles of a triangle is always 180.

An exterior angle is an angle which is formed by one of the sides of any closed shape structure such as polygon and the extension of its adjacent side. See the figure below, where a five-sided polygon or pentagon is having 5 vertexes. The exterior angles of this pentagon are formed by extending its adjacent sides.

Exterior Angles Of A Polygon

  • They are formed on the outside or exterior of the polygon.
  • The sum of an interior angle and its corresponding exterior angle is always 180 degrees since they lie on the same straight line.
  • In the figure, angles 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are the exterior angles of the polygon.
interior exterior angles


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Hii sir
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The angle formed by a side with its extended adjacent side of a triangle is called an exterior angle of the triangle.

Exterior angle property states that?the measure of exterior angles of a triangle is equal to the sum of its two interior opposite angle.
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INTERIOR ANGLES : ?Any of the 4 angles made by the transversal that lie inside the the region between the two intersected lines.
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