What are public interest pressure group? describe their function in 5 mark

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Advocacy groups (also known as pressure groups, lobby groups, campaigngroups, interest groups, or special interest groups) use various forms of advocacy in order to influence public opinion and/or policy. They have played and continue to play an important part in the development of political and social systems.
The capacity of pressure groups id determined by leadership, organizational abilities, mass media, economic power base and mobilizations technique. Beside this they are using lobbying method, strike, bandh, demonstration, funding political parties, using party platform etc. Even pressure group role is indirect it facilitates many vital roles in administration. The various role of pressure groups are as follows-
  1. Role in legislature-Pressure groups tries to introduce their chosen person into legislature. They help political parties on the eve of election and prepares election manifesto.
  2. Role in executive-Pressure group tries to fill high executive posts with men of their own choice i.e. selection of cabinet, distribution of portfolios and P.M selection due to prevalence of collation government. And henceforth influences policy implementation process.
  3. Role in Bureaucracy- Bureaucrats are politically neutral and hence pressure group tries to oblige them by putting good remarks that protect their interests. Bureaucrats have long tenure and so they be in contact with them to oblige.
  4. Role in judiciary-appointment of judges in political affairs and here pressure groups plays important role in that high judicial offices are occupied by them
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