Adaptations in polar bears are as follows:

  • Polar bears have a white fur, which allows them to blend in with their surroundings.  It also helps them in catching their prey.
  • They have two thick layers of fur, which protect them from the extreme cold of the Polar Region.
  • They have a layer of fat under their skin, which keeps them well insulated. They move slowly and rest often while moving from one place to another to avoid overheating their bodies.
  • On warm days, they keep themselves cool by swimming. Their paws are wide and large, which helps them in swimming. Their paws also help them walk on snow.
  • They have the ability to close their nostrils while swimming under water. This helps them stay under water for a longer period of time.
  • They have a strong sense of smell, which helps them locate their prey easily.

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Their thick fur and a thick layer of fat called blubber keep them warm in extremely cold climate . They can also swim so when the ice in the cold regions melt they can swim and catch their prey . They also have small ears that helps to store body heat and not let it escape it from the body . They also have large pad like feet that help them to easily walk on snow .

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The physical adaptations that help polar bears survive include :

  • FUR : their thick fur keeps them warm in frigid air and water (it's actually hollow)
  • WHITE FUR: actually transparent, for camouflage in ice and snow. Also reflects the heat lost through the skin, back into it's body.
  • SKIN: their skin is black to absorb heat from the sun's rays to help keep them warm
  • PAWS : the pads provide traction on ice
  • BIG PAWS : spread body weight on ice, and are broad for use in swimming
  • CLAWS : are curved to dig through ice
  • SMALL EARS and TAILS : are short to minimize heat loss
  • TEETH : more jagged than most bears, suiting a carnivore
  • FAT LAYERS: keeps them warm (insulates)
  • NOSTRILS : their nostrils close underwater
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