What happens when (a) Cooking medium is made to flow down a drain. (b) Insecticides, motor oil, paints are poured down the drain. (c) Tea leaves, cotton swabs and old soft toys are thrown into the drain. ​  

Dear student, 
​Please find below the solution to the asked query        

a. When cooking medium such as cooking oils and fats are made to flow down the drain, they harden and block the drain and do not allow free flow of water.  

b. If we release down chemicals like paints, insecticides, medicine, motor oils etc. down the drain, it will kill microbes that cause degradation of sewage or waste material in drains and results in blockage of drains.

c. Tea leaves, cotton swabs and old soft toys cause blockage in the water supply of an area by choking the drain.

Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic.   
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