What is CPCT in the SSS congruence rule proof ? please explain. And there are 5 rules in congruence of triangles but here there are only 4. there should be SAS, ASA, HL, SSS,AAS. In meritnation you are missing AAS. please correct this. And also answer  my question.

CPCT means that each part of a congruent triangle will be congruent or equal to another part of the other congruent triangle, thus CPCT for all rules is same and AAS rule is no rule but it is ASA ( angle, side, angle) also it isn't HL rule but RHS  ( right angle, hypotenuese, side) ​rule

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there are only 4 rules that is ASA criteria , SSS criteria , SAS criteria,and RHS criteria

ASA = Angle Side Angle
SSS = Side Side Side
SAS = Side Angle side
RHS = Right hypothesis side
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