What is inside black hole ....I hv listened that time stops there ?...is it true??

Dear student,
A black hole is a very big amount of matter crammed into a very small part. Resultant its create a powerful gravitational pull, from which even light can't escape.  According to theory, within a black hole being something called a singularity. A singularity is what all the matter in a black hole gets crushed into. singularity is actually a whole surface inside the event horizon.
we know that-
Speed โ€‹โ€‹= Distance/Time
Speed โ€‹โ€‹of light has to remain constant. We are increasing the distance. So, to compensate the increase in the value of the numerator, the value of the denominator must also increase in order to maintain a constant ratio!
So, if distance increases, then time must also increase to keep the speed of light a constant value!and if distance decreases ,then time must also decrease.
Light can't escape from Black hole due to high gravitational force, means distance will be decreased so time also will be decreased. that's why time will be very slow in blackhole or willl be stop compare to other places.


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Hi kanu priya
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