what is meant by economising of resources?

it means optimum utilisation of resources or efficient management of resources as to maximise output.

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Economising of resorces means the resources should used in such a manner so as to reduce wastages and to produce maximum.

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Economising the resources means that resources are to be used in a manner so as to maximise satisfaction
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Economising means optimum utilisation of available resources.
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economising the resource means to utilise the various resource in best and efficent manner
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Economising the available resources means making the best possible use of the available resourses.
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It means optimum utilization of scare avail resources to maximize our unlimited wants
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Sustainable use of resources
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It means rational management of resources i.e complete satisfaction from resource usage
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making optimum use of the available resources
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Economising of resources is the process of making the choice between different resources to use them optimumly in the presence of scarcity.
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Economising of resources is the process of making choice between resources to make them optimumly useful in the presence of scarcity.
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Economising of resources means optimum utilisation of resources.
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Economising of resources is optimium utilization of scarce resources in a manner that maximum output in a per unit input
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Economising of resources means efficiently utilisation of resources with the main aim of maximising its utility .
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Economising of resources means, best utilisation of resources, without wastage of resources.
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It means making optimum or fuller utilisation of resources.
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Economising resources mean using resources in such a way so that excess use of resources is not used and it is used efficiently
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It refers to the optimum utilization of scarce resources to maximise human satisfaction (individual gain in micro level and social welfare in macro level).
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Economising of resources is the process of making choice between resources to make them optimumly useful in the presence of scarcity.
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Give the meaning of economising of resources
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It means optimum utilisation of resources .so that our furture generations will also get the basic amenities of life.
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Optimum utilisation of resources
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scarcity is defined as a situation in which supply of resources is limited in relation to its demand
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Explain the concepts of individual demand and market demand in detail
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What is meant by economics
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To make optimum use of resources
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Where is god
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Economising of resources is the process of making choice between resources to make them optimumly useful in the presence of scarcity In simply best possible use of available goods
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Choose the correct option :
1) The branch of economics that deals with the
allocation of resources.
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It means allocating of resources in economic it means finding and properly utilize the economic resources for increase the GDP growth of country.
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It means using of resources in a very efficient/judicious manner..
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It is the process of making choice between resources to make them optimuly useful in the presence of scarcity 
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Marathi guide video
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Chapter 3 all solution
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no its nit helpful answer and not understanding answer
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how many supplier detail in information
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It means to make the optimum use of resources
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