What were the features of the industrial revolution? Also state its impact on India.

Dear Student,

The features of industrial revolution are as follows:

1. Domestic system was totally replaced by factory system in which more emphasis is laid on development of factories.

2. Hand made manufacturing was replaced by machine made manufacturing where raw materials are processed into finished goods with the use of machines.

3. Small scale industries declined and large scale industries began to emerge.

4. Workers were replaced by machines which led to large scale unemployment and distress. Means of production was controlled by capitalists.

The impact of industrial revolution in India is as follows:

1. The discovery of steam power and its usage has led to the consistent decline of Indian textile industry. 

2. Invention of spinning mule and power loom has further strengthened the usage of steam power. As a result, British cotton was available at very cheap price compared to Indian cotton. Thus, Indian cotton textiles could not compete with machine made and cheaper British cotton in the international markets.

3. Indian farmers were forced to produce cotton, as the raw material from cotton was used to process the finished goods in large factories that have emerged in Britain.

4. Indian society was hugely impacted by industrial revolution as there was serious farmer crisis. Farmers were forcibly made to grow cash crops instead of food crops, as a result, India has witnessed deadly famines.


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