what will happen if we put a blue and a red litmus paper in a solution of zinc oxide and HCL?

Zinc oxide reacts with HCl to form ZnCl2 and H2O.
ZnO + HCl ZnCl2 +H2O
ZnCl2 is a slat of strong acid and weak base, so the solution will be acidic. 
Thus, this solution will turn blue litmus paper red.
The colour of red litmus paper will not change.

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if we put blue litmus to ZnO then it won't change its colour .

If we put red litmus to HCl then also it won't change its colour

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Ask nell VIjayan

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zinc oxide is basic in nature.

When an acid reacts with a base it forms a salt and water. neutralization reaction takes place.

So, there will probably be no colour change because the product formed is neutal.

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no colour change because the product formed is neutral.

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