Why a person falling on a cemented floor from a certain height gets injured but if he falls from the same heightt on a heap of sand receives almost no injury?

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because force experienced by the person is equal to chage in the momentum of the object wit h time
since when person fall on the floor then less time is taken to chage the mometum thus that time it experience more force but when he fall on the sand then more tim is taken to bring  change is the momentum thus experience more force
  • -4
when the person jumps on the cemented floor the total fore becomes zero at instant and when the person jumps on the heap of sand from the same height the persons total force does'nt become instantly zero it decreases with time hence the person got injured while jumping on the cemented ground and not on th heap of sand
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when the person jumping on the cemented floor its force becomes zero instantly but the person jumping on the heap of sand from the same height the persons force does'nt become zero instantly . hence the person will get hurt on jumping on the cemented floor but will no get hurt while jumping on the heap of sand.
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