Why Aref insane take rights important for a democracy? List the fundamental rights in the constitution.

Dear Student,

There seems to be a typing error in your query.Rights are important because:

a. Rights are conditions which helps to develop individual personality to the fullest.
b. They guarantee legal and political equality to all.
c. They seek to protect the marginalized group from the possible domination of the majority.For example, Fundamental rights like Right to religion, Cultural and educational rights safeguard the interest of the minorities and protect them from the possible suppression of the majority
d. To seek to promote social justice.
e. To give voice to the marginalized groups.
f. Rights allow for the participation of the people in the governance of the country.
g. Rights allow every individual without any discrimination to exercise his franchise, to elect government and be elected to government. Right to equality, right to vote guarantees free and fair elections.
​h. Fundamental rights allow individuals to form groups, associations to promote their interests and to ventilate their grievances.
i. Rights also allow individuals to form political parties and to freely contest and compete in elections.
j. Rights serve as a foundation of a democratic structure,

Fundamental rights  guaranteed by the Constitution are:

a. Right to equality- This right ensures equal opportunities to all and no discrimination on the basis of caste , class, religion or sex
b. Right to freedom allows individual to live freely, to exercise his/her choice, to freely express one;s opinions, to assemble peacefully,to move freely throughout the country and to carry any trade, profession of one's choice. It is the freedom to develop our personalities to the fullest
c. Right to religion allows people freedom of faith and practise. It allows people to freely propagate , practise his faith. It also ensures no discrimination on the basis of religion.
d. Cultural and educational rights safeguard the interest of the minorities and protect them from the possible suppression of the majority.It allows all communities to safeguard and develop their own distinctive culture and language,
e. One of the important rights guaranteed by the constitution is right against exploitation, which allows an individual to lead a dignified life, Under Article 23 and 24 of the Constitution the  following evils have been declared as illegal :Human Trafficking, that is buying and selling of human beings, particularly women,  Forced labor or begar where the worker is forced to render services to the ‘master’ free of charge or at a nominal remuneration, Child Labor that is No one can employ a child below the age of  14 to work in any factory or mine or in any other hazardous jobs.

f. Under  Article 32 , that is Right to constitutional Remedies allows individual to challenge any law of the central or state government or any policy decision of the executive if it violates our fundamental rights. In such case, the Supreme Court has the power to issue writs, which is its prerogative.



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