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Numerical and Linear Inequalities

  • Two real numbers or two algebraic expressions related by the symbol ‘<’, ‘>’, ‘≤’ or ‘≥’ form an inequality.

Note: Inequalities involving ‘<’ or ‘>’are strict inequalities whereas inequalities involving ‘≤’ or ‘≥’ are slack inequalities.


Example: 6 < 26, 3 < z + 1 ≤ 22, 27 ≥ s ≥ 16, p + t > 100


  • Example 1:

A shopkeeper sells some television sets and A/C sets every day. He wants to earn a profit of at least Rs 10000 each week. For this, he must sell 20 television sets and 30 A/C sets every week or he must sell 50 television sets and 10A/C sets every week. Expres…

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